Kamis, 03 April 2014

film narsis

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGJoYztyKTM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGJoYztyKTM

           hi guys i want to tell you about my film it  as make from my task, but i think it's not like film because it's from true story in life.  this film was upload by @nailans this film have 7 player 6 boys and 1 girl it's name is naila syahirah, faturrahman, abrar naufal, fitrah putra, abdi nurdin, ariski, agum aripratama.

           this film was make to doing task. the task is make an stop motion pro an my group make it by film. it specially to me because, very long time i make it i think it 2 week to make it by we are. i hope you will like it.

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